Studio Photography ~ Coopers Surgery ~ Fubarred SAF Op In The Philippines

Jan. 29, 2015


Sorry that I have missed the last few days but there are times even in this old man’s life that things get backed up.

Last week I made the move into Studio Photography. Of course to do Studio Photography I need a studio so I have been converting SWMBO’s old office into my new studio (pictures to follow).


Then Cooper got a nasty infection in his right ear. For three days we tried home remedies but to no avail. Yesterday the vet came up and drained the ear (Cooper is a Doberman and we did no have his ears clipped). He knocked Cooper out with a double dose of anesthetic and started to work. It took Cooper about 4 hours to shake off the sleepy juice and I stayed with him. Eventually as dusk fell our gardener and his wife carried Cooper into the house and it was another two hours before he could walk without looking drunk.

Then there was the FUBAR police op in Mindanao. Fourty-four members of the elite Special Action Forces (SAF) commandos died in an attempt to arrest two terrorists. No body count on the Freedom Fighters yet. The plan was to quietly slip 400 heavily armed SAF police into an area controlled by the MIILF and walk peacefully out with two hard core terrorists. It didn’t work.

There are protocols in place for this type of situation but someone on the government side decided to ignore them. Net result… the terrorists may or may not be dead but the fourty-four police SAF are as are an unknown but probably much smaller number of Freedom Fighters.

My condolences to all who lost loved ones in this stupidity.

So there you have it, my reasons for not writing, I will try to do better in the future.

Take care,


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