A Week Without A Letter ~ I Have Been Remiss ~ Apologies


would that the world looked this good through my keyhole

adjective: remiss
  1. lacking care or attention to duty; negligent.
    “it would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information”
    antonyms: careful
late Middle English: from Latin remissus ‘slackened,’ past participle of remittere . The early senses were ‘weakened in color or consistency’ and (in describing sound) ‘faint, soft.’
Remiss is such a marvellous word. And yet as can be seen in this graph it is almost unknown and unused now.
Unknown and unused, sadly the same can be said for much of what I hold dear. Perhaps I merely look back through the filter of Golden Age Mythology? Perhaps the World is not going to Hell in a handcart? But as I look through my keyhole into the great wide world it seems to me to be doing just that. Let us hope I am mistaken!
Take care,